Sengoku Period Wiki
Hidetada Tokugawa
Tokugawa Hidetada
Personal Information
Born: May 2, 1579
Place of Birth: Unknown
Died: March 14, 1632
Cause of Death: Unknown
Place of Death: Unknown
Style name: 徳川 秀忠
Served: Tokugawa
Participation(s): Siege of Ueda Castle (1600)
Siege of Osaka Castle

Tokugawa Hidetada was the son of Tokugawa Ieyasu. He was the second shogun of the Tokugawa shogunate.


Tokugawa Hidetada was the third son of Tokugawa Ieyasu and the second Tokugawa shogun. In 1600, during the Battle of Sekigahara, Hidetada commanded an army that set out from Edo. The aim was to join up with his father Tokugawa Ieyasu, but while on his way however, Hidetada commenced a siege on Ueda castle, held by Sanada Masayuki and Sanada Yukimura. Hidetada abandoned the siege after a failed assault but delayed himself significantly that he missed the battle of Sekigahara.[1]. Tokugawa Hidetada did manage to redeem himself at the Siege of Osaka Castle. His heraldry from the time he fought beside his father was white flags with three mon.[2]





  1. Samurai Sourcebook, Stephen Turnbull pg.251
  2. Samurai Source book, Stephen Turnbull pg.85